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Blockchain picked as e-Government’s promising technology

Korea announces 10 important technologies for smart government

Blockchain was selected as one of the 10 promising technologies of the e-Government that would realize a smart government by the Ministry of the Interior and Safety and the National Information Society Agency.

With this, blockchain has been chosen as an important technology applied to the e-Government for three years in a row after 2017 and 2018. The other 10 promising technologies include artificial intelligence (AI) ethics to be observed when introducing AI to public services; artificial emotional intelligence that would raise civil service chatbots’ service levels; atypical data analysis aimed at figuring out people’s hidden demand for services; multiple clouds that would remove the barrier between public and private clouds; edge computing that would exploit distributed small servers; extended reality (XR) that would encompass virtual reality and augmented reality; automatic AI security; reactive Internet of Things; and 5G infrastructure techniques.

Jeong Yun-ki, director-general of the e-Government bureau at the Ministry of the Interior and Safety, said, “Based on the accurate understanding of up-to-date technologies, we will prepare for the Fourth Industrial Revolution and lay the solid foundation for a smart government.” /

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< 저작권자 ⓒ 디센터, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지 >
