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Payexpress to search for promising domestic firms in connection with Baidu Innovation Center

‘Baidu Innovation Center Prime Day' due in September with Decenter

Payexpress will launch the Baidu Innovation Center Connection Program in hopes to discover promising domestic companies and introduce them to the Chinese market. In September, Payexpress will host the ‘Baidu Innovation Center Prime Day’ with Decenter to recruit companies wishing to enter the Chinese market.

Jaehyang Kim, CEO of Payexpress, said, “We plan to search for companies wishing to move into the Baidu Innovation Center and enter the Chinese market to help them in business management, marketing, and finance. We will hold the Baidu Innovation Prime Day event on a regular basis to support unique small and medium-sized enterprises.”

The specific dates and schedule of the ‘Baidu Innovation Center Prime Day’ will be announced in August. The Baidu Innovation Center, which has decided to carry out a join marketing program with Payexpress, is planning to expand its size based on the performance of companies that are entering the center in Shenyang and Hangzhou.

CEO Kim said, “The Baidu Innovation Center in Shenyang can host up to 50 companies. We hope to recruit exceptional enterprises through the Prime Day in September.” /

사동석 기자
< 저작권자 ⓒ 디센터, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지 >
