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Seoul mayor vows to innovate administrative services via blockchain

Blockchain to be used in 5 more public services this year

“2019 will become the first year the blockchain industry will grow remarkably. Seoul City will take the lead in bringing innovative changes in administrative services through blockchain and play the role of pumping water for blockchain’s development.”

Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon expressed his aspiration to make Seoul the hub of the blockchain ecosystem in his congratulatory speech at the “2019 Blockchain Summit: Chain Plus” held in Seoul Dragon City Wednesday.

Emerging from its application of blockchain technology to two administrative services - the used car market in Janganpyeong and M-voting - last year, the Seoul municipal government plans to expand the application of blockchain to five more public services this year. They are online credentials, Zero Pay-related mileage point integration, integrated certification for citizen cards, automatic payments of subcontract fees and protection of rights of part-time workers.

“We are grafting blockchain technology onto our mobile voting system called M-voting to help citizens take part in decision-making and policy-making processes,” Park said. “Blockchain will be used in the crucial decision-making process in the community.”

He spoke about the Janganpyeong used car market. “More than one million vehicles are traded in the market a year. Using blockchain in used car transactions will make it possible to manage car conditions, contracts and information transparently.” Park said.

He also mentioned ways to connect integrated certification for citizen cards with S-Coin tokens. S-Coin was created to integrate mileage points citizens can get in return for participating in Seoul City’s various programs. “Integrated blockchain certification will be realized through citizen cards. Convenience will also be enhanced greatly by combining S-Coin and Zero Pay,” Park said. /

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